(1)An InternationalExchange of Debaters In cooperation with the NationalCommunication Association (NCA) in the U.S.A.,
JDA selects and sponsors ateam of Japanese debaters to tour the U.S.,and the following yearinvites an equally well-chosen United States team to tour Japan.Participants in this year-on-year program have reported that it hascontributed significantly not only to better debating, but to a widerunderstanding of cultural similarities and differences.
(2) Sponsorship ofDebate Activities throughout Japan
JDA researches, and thenrecommends, one national uniformproposition everyhalf-year, for use in intercollegiate English debate tournaments,facilitating depth of research and quality of debates. It sponsorsits own annual debate tournament in the Japanese language, and alsosends experienced and qualified judges to other tournaments inEnglish and Japanese, advising their sponsoring organizations ontournament management, providing prizes, and offering other services.
(3) Promotion ofResearch on Debate:
JDA provides opportunitiesfor debate researchers to present the results of their theoretical orpractical studies in a conference setting, such as the annualconvention of the Communication Association of Japan
(4) Facilitation ofExchange of Ideas among Researchers and Coaches
JDA publishes severalissues of its Newsletter annually, carrying articles and informationabout debate. JDA also maintains an Internet mailing list (JDA-ML)for online communication.
Additional informationabout JDA may be obtained by contacting the JDA administrativeoffice:
Japan DebateAssociation Administrative Office
c/o ProfessorShigeru Matsumoto
Institute of Education, Tokai University
2-28-4 Tomigaoka, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, 151-0063, Japan
Tel: 03-3485-4958 (direct)
URL : http://www.st.rim.or.jp/~syasui/jda
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