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List of Sessions and Reports of Tokyo Conference 2004 |
August 3, 2004 (Tues) |
1:00 pm - 3:30 pm Special Session Room 1111(日本語 Japanese Language program) シンポジウム 「日本におけるディベート教育を批評し,今後の展望を考える」 Where We Are, Where We're Going: The Future
of Debate Education in Japan コーディネータ Coordinator: 松本 茂 Shigeru Matsumoto,東海大学 Tokai University パネリスト Panelists: 青沼 智 Satoru Aonuma, 神田外語大学 Kanda University of International Studies 池田 修 Osamu Ikeda, 八王子市立楢原中学校 Narahara Junior High School 是澤 克哉 Katsuya Koresawa, 日米交歓ディベート2004年全米ツアー日本代表 Debater of the 2004 Japan-U.S. Exchange Tour 中野 美香 Mika Nakano、九州大学(院生) Kyushu University (Graduate Student) 二杉 孝司 Takashi Futasugi, 金城学院大学 Kinjo Gakuin University 矢野 善郎 Yoshiro Yano, 中央大学 Chuo University 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm KEYNOTE Room 1111 (English Language program) Giyoo Hatano, University of the Air “From Relevance-Based Inference to Scientific-Logical Reasoning: A Cognitive-Sociocultural View” 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm RECEPTION at College Hall 大学ホール (For invited participants only) | ||
August 4, 2004 (Wed) |
August 5, 2004 (Thurs) |
Session 15: JAPANESE WARYIME MEMORY Room 1105 大会議室 (English) Chair: Hiroko Okuda, Nanzan University Angela G. Ray, Northwestern University “Popularizing Imperialism: Bayard Taylor
and the U.S. Expedition to Japan, 1853” Barbara Biesecker, University of Iowa "Vision, Visuality, and the Argument
from Experience: The Enola Gay Controversy" Yuichiro Takahashi, Dokkyo University "(Re)Inventing Japan through Cultural
Performance" Brian Lain, University of North Texas "American Uses of Japanese American
Memory: How Internment Narratives Are Put
into Discourse" Session 16: DEVELOPMENT OF DEBATES AMONG
INDIAN PHILOSOPHICAL SCHOOLS Room 1107 (English) Chair: Tom J.F. Tillemans, University of
Lausanne Koji Ezaki, Hiroshima University “Udayana's Solution of the Liar Paradox
in a Debate” Miyako Notake, Waseda University “Did the Naiyayikas Prove the Existance
of Universals?” Kyo Kano, Kobe Women’s University “Similar Example and a Set of Similar Instances
in Indian Debate” Hideyo Ogawa, Hiroshima University “The Status of Grammar in Indian Philosophical
Tradition--Does the Science of Grammar
Belong to All Schools of Thought?” Session 17: DEBATE & ARGUMENTATION II Room 1108 (English) Chair: Tom Hollihan, University of Southern
California Tetsuya Kono, Tamagawa University "Hermeneutic Dialogue as an Alternative
to Debate and Violence" Mieko Ota, Adam Smith University "A Survey of Debate Education at Tama
Area, in Tokyo, Japan" Michael Cunningham "How to More Affectively Argue: The
Use of the Kritik” Deryabkina Natalya "The Use of Debate Technologies in Teaching” Session 18: ARISTOTLE ON INFORMAL LOGIC AND
ENDOXA Room 1112 (English) Chair: Mark Wright, Tsuda College Shogo Takahashi, Hiroshima University “Aristotle on Propositions” Kazumasa Kinoshita, Hiroshima University “Aristotle's Enthymeme: Rhetoric and Dialectic” Kiyokai Akai, Graduate School of Letters “Dialectic and Endoxa in Aristotle” 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm Session 19: ARGUMENT EVALUATION & REASONING Room 1105 大会議室 (English) Chair: J. Anthony Blair, University of Windsor Ulysses T. Arana, University of the Philippines "Informal Logic as Practical Reasoning" Peter Houtlosser & Frans H. van Eemeren,
University of Amsterdam "Recent Developments in Pragma-dialectics" Um Hoon, Kwanak Middle School "Analysing Consensus of an Argumentative
Field by Reconstructing Argumentative Discourse" Lilian Bermejo Luque, University of Murcia "Rhetorical Criteria for Argument Evaluation?" Session 20: SOCIOLOGICAL ARGUMENTATION Room 1107 (English) Chair: Yoshiro Yano, Chuo University Miyuki Iida, Fuji Women’s University "Gendered Language in Japanese: Argument,
Representation, and Social Construction" Bernardo Attias, California State University
- Northridge "Drugging the Infidel: The New Opium
Wars" Janice Schuetz, University of New Mexico "The PATRIOT Act: Argument Practices
and Legal Literacy" Session 21: ARGUMENTATION PEDAGOGY II Room 1108 (English) Chair: Bruce W. Davidson, Hokusei Gakuen
University Kara Gilbert, Monash University "The Socio-Cognitive Complexity of Argument
Construction: An Investigation of Australian
and Japanese Students' Writing in English" Kyoko Oi, Chiba University "Teaching Counter-Argumentation to Japanese
College Students" Carolyne Lee, University of Melbourne “Betraying Protagoras?: Teaching Argumentative
News Writing in the Media Age” Session 22: HIROSHIMA, NAGASAKI & OKINAWA Room 1112 (English) Chair: G. Thomas Goodnight, University of
Southern California Danna Prather, University of North Texas "A New American Xenophobia: Transformations
of Anxiety About Hiroshima and Nagasaki" Hiroko Okuda, Nanzan University "National and Local-regional Reflections
on Hiroshima's Nuclear Holocaust” Takayuki Kato, Seiwa University "President Clinton's Memorial Speech
in Okinawa: Defending the Past for the Future" Tomohiro Kanke, Wake Forest University "The Rhetoric of 'Declaration of Humanity':
A Critical Study of Image Reconstruction
of Emperor Hirohito of Japan" 2:45 pm - 3:15 pm PLENARY SESSION Room 1111 (English) Gordon Mitchell “Concluding Remarks” |
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